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Private Investigator News

The Affair of Anxiety

by Hal Humphreys, PIEducation.com A quick Google search on “signs of infidelity” returns no fewer than 200,000 hits for how to spot a cheating spouse, how to tell if he’s stepping out, or ways to tell if he’s got a new lover. These lists are almost...

Social Media Investigations

By Kendra Budd, Editor We have all heard it before: be careful of what you put on the internet. Well, most people nowadays don’t heed that warning—and thankfully, that just makes things easier for private investigators. These days, people are...

Subcontracting: Fortune or Curse?

By Kelly E. Riddle For most private investigators, subcontracting assignments is like stepping off into the proverbial black hole. Many have bad experiences, while some have never subcontracted to other PI’s and instead simply turn away a client...

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