by Kendra Budd, Editor A former Virginian police officer was accused of triple murder after catfishing a teenager online. However, the officer never had his day in court, as he was later killed in a shootout with police, after fleeing from...
by Isaac Peck, Publisher In today’s day and age, private investigators have a multitude of investigative tools: sophisticated databases, OSINT, surveillance, interviewing witnesses, public records, and the list goes on (and on!). One of the...
by Justin D. Hodson, CPIOur journey at Hodson P.I. went from a solo detective gig to a bustling hub of investigative genius. The story is peppered with lessons, a good chuckle or two, and the kind of savvy insights that only come from detectives who...
by Deborah StonebargerI am a licensed private investigator and a criminalistics expert with 16 years of experience as a criminalist (a forensic scientist) in an accredited crime laboratory—achieving certification in Comprehensive Criminalistics by...
by Kelly E. RiddleThere are several reasons why an insurance company may want to locate someone else’s insurance policy. First, if the person was involved in an automobile accident with their insured and didn’t have insurance, they may...
by William F. Blake, MS, CPP, CFE Many private investigators and security professionals do not realize the value of having a professional certification. While there are many investigators and security professionals without a professional...