by Debra Allen, 808 Investigations In the realm of private investigations, the intricate dance of legal proceedings often introduces a formidable adversary: deal fatigue. As seasoned private...
by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI, CFDI-Expert and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI, CFDI-SME Criminal defense investigators and attorneys play a crucial role in upholding the principles of justice, ensuring that...
by John Gaspar and Anthony Luizzo The roots of forensic and criminalistics strategies can be traced back centuries, often intertwined with the birth and evolution of watchmen, constables, and private...
by Kendra Budd, Editor A former Virginian police officer was accused of triple murder after catfishing a teenager online. However, the officer never had his day in court, as he was later killed in a...
by Isaac Peck, Publisher In today’s day and age, private investigators have a multitude of investigative tools: sophisticated databases, OSINT, surveillance, interviewing witnesses, public...
by Justin D. Hodson, CPIOur journey at Hodson P.I. went from a solo detective gig to a bustling hub of investigative genius. The story is peppered with lessons, a good chuckle or two, and the kind of...